Saturday, 1 May 2010

'Waking the Dead' Analysis

To help us understand the concepts of thriller films or programmes, we analysed ‘Waking the Dead’ and other programmes to help us come to terms with the techniques used to create suspense and tension.

Waking the Dead

The opening sequence of Waking the Dead is filled with heavily enhanced noises of chains cross fading as they move in a dark and quiet atmosphere, giving the sense of imprisonment or even torture. As the camera loosens, it is clear to see a man sitting on a swing in a still atmosphere. It then cuts to a woman observing items in bags, which are suspended above a table and an over voice is heard of a man, preferably the one sitting on the swing. Although with a change of scene it is still a very hushed environment. It then cuts back to the man on the swing as he swings in and out of the camera’s view. He has a look of wonder as he stares in to the night and leaves you wandering what has made him so thoughtful. As this is happening, it cuts to still feet in dull light, prompting your mind to think that something has happened to someone, but you are then informed that the person is merely getting out of bed as the feet move and somebody stands up. The next minute that proceeds are shots of two scenes, one of which is the scene with the man sitting on the swing and the other a man heavily breathing and sweating as he moves backwards and forwards. A sexual feel is driven through your mind as this shot is shown. As these shots are happening the noises are still heavily enhanced, as the sounds picked out from the rest are of the heaving breaths from the man and movements of the chains.
The shots that follow show scenes of murder, the camera only shows you the shadows of the actions, but it is clear enough to see what is happening. A man lying in abed is being choked using rope by another man and then a shot of blood pouring from the man’s back is shown.
The camera cuts then to a maid walking along a hotel corridor, brightly lit up, with a trolley, the camera shot is as if it is placed on the trolley. The maid then knocks on a room door and with no answer opens and walks in.
Moving away from this scene, it shows two cockney detectives coming to observe the crime scene, the noises are diagetic, but there is a sense of humour as the two men closely approach the dead body. This shot is followed by a group of people walking down the corridor, one of them being the man who was sat on the swing. The group march down and approach the two cockney detectives, humour plays a part again as the shot is then cut.


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